The last decision you generally will make with regards to installing a security gate system is how will you open and close it. Here are the options you have available:
Transmitters are the perfect way to open and close the gates. The distances vary so, depending upon your property, you might require a range extender.
Digital key pads are commonly paired with transmitters. Keypads can be affixed to a wall or pillar adjoin the gate structure.
Mobile phone based intercoms, known as GSM systems, allow the operation of gates from anywhere in the world.
Most automatic electric gates can be installed first and the then the intercom systems retro fit at a later date. There are numerous types of intercoms available, simple keypads through to GSM intercoms activated by mobile phones. Audio can also be used alone or as part of a mono or color video setup.
Push buttons are used mostly for opening and closing automatic gate systems from inside or indoor. It works like key switches and remote controls but it is connected through wires with the device.
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